Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 4, 2011


We hired a confinement lady from Ipoh to stay with us. I disliked the idea of going to confinement centre as I feel uneasy staying out instead of own home. I would say it was a good decision as it turned out very well. My confinement lady helped to take care of me and BB, cook for my husband and do some house chores as well (bonus!). I would rate 7.5/10 for her confinement food. :D

However, there were two things I regretted during my confinement.
1) I regretted bathing daily starting from the 3rd day. :( Alot of people advised to bathe only after the 12th day.
2) I regretted not laying down on bed and rest well during the critical first two weeks.

And now my spine still sore whenever I change my BB's nappy, bending down. Sigh.

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