Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 4, 2011


When we discharged, BB was still ok and had no sign of jaundice. Everyone was happy. :) However, during the first night, BB slept alot. We started to worry her sleeping pattern as she slept >4-5hours without feedings. Little did we know that this was not good for newborn as BB needs to have frequent feedings and frequent stooling helps lower bilirubin levels. On the 5th day, BB skin started to turn yellowish and upon blood check up, her jaundice level exceeded the threshold of 12 and doc advised to admit BB for photo-therapy. I was heartache to see BB crying so loud when the nurse pricked the arch of her foot. Everything was unexpected and I did not bring pacifier out to soothe her . The decision to admit BB sank in and tears just flowed naturally and uncontrollably. Very sad and heavy-hearted to leave BB at the nursery. :( My mil also cried due to my influence. Sigh.

According to superstition, BB is not allowed to wear anything yellow to prevent jaundice. Haha. We bought yellow bedsheet and my BB initial clothing for discharge is also yellow! But I changed to pink the very last minute. Also, some said using coconut or "huang kee" to bathe the BB will help reducing jaundice......we tried both!

BB discharged the next day since her level dropped to 10. Everyone was happy again, but little did we know BB jaundice will worsen in the coming week. We need to admit her for the second time and this round, she had photo-therapy for 2days. This time her level dropped to 7.5 and we can monitor her from home. Every morning we sunbathed her and her condition improved day by day. As new parents, we were really worried during the first 2 weeks. Things are better now :D

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